Rounded icon with rounded border style

Modernize your rounded icon box with rounded border style. This is one of the best icon style for your WordPress site.

User Review

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise


A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise

Our Partner

Client logo with inner navigation effects v2

Leverage the vertical client logo carousel slider with amazing black and white inner navigation effect

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Image Slide 2
Image Slide 3
Image Slide 3
Image Slide 3
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Our Project

IBMS originally launched its services in construction works in 2013 as a pioneer in the indigenous small- and large-scale construction industry in Rwanda, today we are part of the history of the Rwandan construction booming industry.

Our multi-disciplined Engineering Division remains one of the most trusted in the industry charged with being part of working on some of Rwanda’s most iconic structures such as:

  • Supply and Installation IT and Systems infrastructure
  • Servicing and maintenance of IT systems
  • Supply and installation of lightning protection
  • Supply and installation of fire suppression systems
  • IPTV servicing
  • Supply and installation of Radio communication
  • IT infrastructure  installation
  • Security Control room supply and Installation
  • Supply and installation of X-ray and walk-through scanners
  • FM 200 Fire suppression system maintenance and servicing
  • Maintenance and repair of security equipment

Pull handles

This is the heading

Access control accessories

This is the heading

Architectural fittings

This is the heading

Architectural fittings

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Solverwp- WordPress Theme and Plugin

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